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아름다운 색을 상징하는 진주 보석 - 진주 목걸이 진주 보석 보석 가공 보석 DIY 생산 스테인레스 스틸 목걸이 보석 사용자 정의 - 중국 pinhong 보석 제조 업체 도매

회사 소식

아름다운 색을 상징하는 진주 보석

진주 주얼리, 천연 진주는 흰색으로 나뉩니다, 검정, 분홍색, 보라색, 그리고 금색. The reason why pearls are beautiful is that their colors are not single, but have halos and accompanying colors. Usually, pearl colors are only described as the main color tone, not the accompanying colors. Pearl jewelry is a great item for personal wear and gifts to friends and family. 그러므로, it is particularly important to choose according to the style and color of pearls. Understanding the symbolic meaning of pearl colors can increase the pertinence of gift giving!
Sending Health: Pure WhiteRepresents Having a Healthy Body
Expected happiness: beigerepresents the union of two people, lifelong happiness
Romantic love: Peach pinkwill have the most romantic love;
The symbol of wisdomvioletwill bestow upon them more wisdom
WealthGoldwill gain immense wealth



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